On November 6th, Elisabeth Scott Daley, one of my Board Members for the WED Guild® and the first female to earn the title of Wedding Entertainment Director®, assisted me as I entertained for Will Hegarty’s Daughter’s Wedding Ceremony & Reception in Phoenix, AZ.
Don’t know who Will Hegarty is? Here is the byline he graciously wrote for the back of TBWRE.
“Peter Merry’s innovative ideas have earned him recognition as the wedding industry expert on creating fun reception celebrations. As a direct result, he was the only wedding entertainment professional we considered hiring for our daughter’s wedding reception.”
The pressure was on…I had to deliver and they packed the agenda to the max with tons of fun and creative interactive moments. We pulled it off with flying colors and Liz talked Will into doing a video testimonial about me afterwards that was just priceless.
Not only does Will Hegarty produce the Wedding MBA show in Las Vegas (which I am certain I will be speaking at once again in September of 2011) but he also produces the largest Bridal Show in the country in Phoenix, AZ called Bridal Fashion Debut. His show is attended by over 4,000 brides in 2 days and TBWRE will be getting promoted with post-cards in the bags, presentations before the fashion shows, and a booth on January 8th & 9th. I’ll be trying to line up some local TV interviews before the show to promote the book’s presence there as well.

Peter Merry with Kelly & Chris Erdos
This photo below was taken by John Goolsby, with Godfather Films, who was shooting the video footage at the wedding.

Peter Merry serving as Wedding Entertainment Director®
John’s talented team of video editors put together a surprise same day edit highlight video that was shown to the guests about 30 minutes before the reception concluded…and as they were leaving each guest was given their very own copy of this video on DVD to take home with them.
And yes…Liz gave me a solid performance critique after we were all done. Had trouble walking for the next couple of days. 😉

Peter Merry & Elisabeth Scott Daley
The truth is, with Liz’ help, I was able to do one of the best Grand Entrances of my career. She had 41 sound cues to hit following along with my scripted introductions of the Parents and Wedding Party members…and she was flawless! Thanks again for your invaluable assistance Liz!