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Updated Syllabus & Planning Kit

The Professional Process Syllabus & Planning Kit have been updated!

The new Syllabus features my 4 new updated Pricing Sheets (re-branded to match the new MerryWeddings.com web site and with 2 sets of prices for local Kansas City events and non-local events), a new idea that will make it easier to recognize and line up your Wedding Party members for the Grand Entrance, and my updated Post-Reception Feedback Surveys (also re-branded to match the new MerryWeddings.com web site).

The new Planning Kit features my updated letterhead, planning checklists, music lists and forms (which have also been re-branded to match the new MerryWeddings.com web site).

These updated materials are only being offered to previous attendees of The Professional Process. We are going to print next week so place your orders soon so we be sure to print enough copies to fill the orders. Orders placed between now and October 31st will be shipped by November 4th.

Price: $50.00