Peter Merry’s innovative ideas have earned him recognition as the wedding industry expert on creating fun reception celebrations. As a direct result, he was also the only wedding entertainment professional we considered hiring for our daughter’s wedding reception!
Don't Miss Out On Upcoming Product Releases & Sales!
Grand Entrance DVD & USB Bundle
If you are ready to add some creativity and fun to your Wedding Party’s Introductions, this bundle of 3 DVDs and 1 USB featuring great content on developing more demand through uniquely personalized grand entrances, gaining the skills to earn wedding guests’ undivided attention and respect, and Peter Merry’s time-saving scripting templates will help you hit the ground running.
Regular Price: $222
(When purchased individually)
Bundle Price: $189

Blank Scripting Templates
In this unprecedented offer, Peter Merry is making his Blank Scripting Templates available for Wedding DJs who want to streamline their Grand Entrance script writing process or who want to learn some new and creative ways to stage their Grand Entrances.
This USB Jump Drive (4 Gb) features 9 Blank Grand Entrance Scripting Templates that offer a few basic introduction presentations as well as several much more complex presentations. As an added bonus, it also includes a Blank Scripting Template for presenting a Love Story prior to the First Dance. All 10 of these templates are provided in both Keynote and PowerPoint formats and are all iPad ready (they will fit your iPad screen perfectly with no wasted screen space) and Laptop ready, regardless of whether you are a Mac or PC user.
This package also includes a 17 minute step-by-step video tutorial to show you how to most effectively use these templates to save time in your script writing process. And you will also find a PDF document with unpublished YouTube links to watch full Grand Entrances that feature 8 of the more complex introductions so you can study how they were staged and executed.
Price: $29.99
The 6 Pillars of Wedding Marketing (DVD-01)
In this groundbreaking seminar, Peter Merry shares insights that will help you create marketing materials that are not only more effective, but will also help you to attract the right kind of wedding clients.
This DVD features the seminar audio soundtrack accompanied by a power-point presentation, and also includes a few brief scenes of live video from the original presentation.
If you’re tired of throwing away money on advertising that doesn’t generate leads, this DVD will help you to achieve better results in the future. You will learn how to create service-focused, high quality, simple, personal, emotional, and targeted marketing materials that will actually work.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with over a dozen articles, real world before and after business card designs, and a step-by-step plan for delivering your own “how to” seminar for brides. A printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout has also been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 126 Minutes
Price: $69.00
Better Consultations Bring Better Bookings (DVD-02)
As wedding professionals, we all put in countless hours to prepare for our clients’ weddings and receptions. Yet how many of us will show up to an initial sales meeting completely unprepared?
With this 140 minute DVD, you will find out why the first 15 minutes of a sales consultation may be the most important. You will discover how to help your clients uncover their real needs while demonstrating that you truly offer the best solutions to the challenges they are facing. And you will learn how to show the real value of your services.
You will NOT learn how to coerce anyone into choosing your services.
Rather, you will find out how to develop a relationship with your clients that can lead to years of highly qualified referrals.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 141 Minutes
Price: $99.00
Make It GRAND! (DVD-03)
Personalizing Grand Entrances
In September of 2004, while serving as the National ADJA President, Peter Merry presented this hour long seminar on Grand Entrances. This was the first time his proprietary methods for creating uniquely personalized Grand Entrances were divulged in vivid detail.
The Grand Entrance is every wedding entertainer’s first opportunity to showcase their talents in an effort to set the tone for what should prove to be an unforgettably fun celebration.
With this DVD, you will learn several different proven methods for creating Grand Entrances that are highly energetic and creatively entertaining.
When these ideas are used effectively, you will see a noticeable increase in the number of guests who will be asking for your business cards well before the open dancing has even begun. So let’s… Make It GRAND!
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 62 Minutes
Price: $55.00
Platinum Weddings (DVD-04)
How To Find Your Customer In A Crowded Market
Some wedding professionals have aspirations of making a name for themselves by servicing the ultra high end weddings that are often attended by celebrities, politicians, and billionaires.
In this DVD, Peter Merry will share some insights provided by wedding pros who have made such dreams into their reality while sharing some simple and effective methods for finding your own dream “platinum wedding” clients.
You will learn how to define the target market you want to service and how to attract the right kind of clients…instead of just the most clients. And Peter will share how he has been able to find most of his “platinum weddings” among regular everyday folks who are neither rich nor famous.
Learn how to develop outrageous demand for your unique services while creating raving fans who all agree that you truly deliver “platinum weddings” for each and every one of your couples.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 51 Minutes
Price: $69.00
Make Every Bride A Celebrity (DVD-05)
How To Ensure Your Bride Will Feel Like A STAR
Whether it be Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or Reality TV…today’s world is creating too many “celebrities” for even TMZ to keep up with. Yesterday’s bride dreamed of being a Princess on her wedding day. But more and more of today’s brides are looking forward to enjoying the same limelight as a Hollywood star at a red carpet movie premiere.
In this DVD, Peter Merry will share some insights about the expected protocols for servicing actual “celebrity” clients on their wedding day while giving some real-world examples every wedding professional can use to make their brides (and grooms) feel like the A-List Stars they truly are at their own wedding receptions.
Peter has worked with celebrity wedding planner, David Tutera, and he has been a featured speaker with several well-known wedding industry icons including: Colin Cowie, Preston Bailey, Diann Valentine, and Grace Ormonde.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 54 Minutes
Price: $69.00
Showcasing Your V-A-L-U-E (DVD-06)
Becoming Your Client’s Best And Only Option
The biggest challenge most wedding professionals face is artfully communicating why their products and services are a better choice in an effective yet humble way.
We all plan for our couple’s big day. In This DVD, Peter Merry will show you how to plan a sales presentation that will leave your prospects wondering why they should even bother meeting with another wedding professional. If you can show them why you are the best value, they will pay your price and rave about it!
Using the word V-A-L-U-E as a memory tool, Peter will lay out a logical, methodical approach for organizing and presenting your best selling points in a manner that will connect with your client’s deepest desires as well as their (perhaps yet unknown) expectations for your services. You will also learn 5 simple questions to ask at the end of each segment to verify their interest and elicit positive buying signals.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 74 Minutes
Price: $79.00

How To Get On The Preferred Professionals List
Being highly recommended by a fellow wedding professional can play a large role in boosting demand for your services. While wedding locations are often on the top of the “food chain” of professional services selected by brides, it is still very valuable to gain word of mouth recognition from other wedding professionals who may often be commonly ranked below your services.
Some brides today will book their photographer before they choose their location. Knowing this makes it very important to be touted by a wide variety of wedding professionals who are eager to recommend your services.
In this DVD, Peter Merry will share some effective techniques for earning the confidence of your fellow wedding professionals. He will explore several methods to avoid in pursuing a spot on these qualified referral lists while unpacking a few basic steps you can take to have other pros rave about your services so you’ll be seen as the top choice on their recommendation lists.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 59 Minutes
Price: $45.00

DJs Say The DARNDEST Things! (DVD-08)
Every day we say things without really thinking about why we say them. These statements can include: false assumptions, negative self-talk, inflated self-perceptions, catastrophizing, over-generalizations among many others.
In this DVD, Peter Merry will share examples from his own experience (while also citing sources from within our own industry) about how these kinds of declarative verbalizations are truly stunting our chances at achieving success.
You’ll learn why the word “never” should never be used when speaking about your goals. You will discover how “assuming the worst” may be the worst assumption you can make. And you will be be given some simple steps for replacing these “motivation killers” with proven empowering assertions that will help you build a pathway towards fulfilling your dreams.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 54 Minutes
Price: $45.00

Ten Layers Deep (DVD-09)
Adding New Depth to Your Introductions
For over 14 years, Peter Merry has been developing and delivering some of the most creatively fun and uniquely personalized grand entrances in the wedding entertainment industry.
In this DVD, he will explore planning for the best staging with 3 different layers of staging options that should be considered. Then he will examine preparing some amazing sweetening options with 2 more vital layers that cannot be overlooked. And finally, he will share 5 layers for personalizing your content will help you put together wedding party intros that are truly fresh each and every time.
If you are tired of just doing and saying the same things for your grand entrances, maybe it’s time to start taking your wedding party introductions Ten Layers Deep!
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 55 Minutes
Price: $69.00

Is There A Future For Wedding Entertainers? (DVD-10)
With the advent of the iPod and “Do-It-Yourself” Genius mixes on iTunes, some have begun to suggest that wedding DJs may be heading towards imminent extinction. Add in a tough economy and the viability of choosing one’s career as a Wedding DJ has been called into question now more than ever.
In this DVD, Peter Merry will tackle these issues head-on while laying out clear-cut strategies for not only surviving these current challenges, but effectively rising above them. He will discuss why now more than ever your ability to entertain at a wedding will truly set you apart by mixing structure with creativity to achieve outrageous demand. And he will prognosticate about the trends and changes in client expectations that may soon come knocking on the front door of your Wedding DJ business. Will you be ready?
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 85 Minutes
Price: $35.00

Make It FUN! (DVD-11)
Peter Merry is the author of “The Best Wedding Reception…Ever!” which has sold over 30,000 copies. His book features over 230 creative ideas for making weddings more FUN.
In this DVD, using engaging stories, photo examples, and some highly entertaining video clips, Peter will share his latest ideas for creating memorable moments at your wedding receptions.
You will learn why personalizing the FUN at your receptions will increase your demand and your earning potential. You will be given some simple methods for developing new, personalized ideas into workable interactions. And finally, Peter will reveal his predictions for the future trends and expectations for wedding entertainers.
The more brides understand how truly FUN their celebration can be, the more they will be looking for entertainment services that are qualified and prepared to help them make that happen.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 72 Minutes
Price: $35.00

Timing Is Everything (DVD-12)
When Preparation Meets Opportunity
One of the most overlooked keys to a successful wedding celebration is creating an agenda that will be smooth-flowing and consistently entertaining. A well decorated reception with a poorly written time-line can result in guests becoming bored, restless, and possibly even leaving earlier than the bride and groom had desired.
Forcing a bride and groom to conform to a “standard” (or regional) order of events can leave them feeling frustrated and can short–change their vision for a creating a unique and memorable experience. So how do we help them create something personalized while also ensuring their reception won’t be filled with lulls and awkward pauses?
In this DVD, Peter Merry will look at why the location’s layout may dictate the best order of events. He will discuss how to build energy and involvement into the agenda. He will explore some simple “Plan B” approaches for overcoming unforeseen timeline killers. And he will examine some suggestions for effectively incorporating the other professional’s needs into the schedule.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 46 Minutes
Price: $45.00

One On One (DVD-013) [NEW]
Entertaining large groups of people and connecting with an audience may come naturally to many MCs. But what if making the same connections with individuals turns out to be challenging, or worse, perhaps even paralyzing? In this DVD, Peter Merry will candidly share about his personal struggles in networking environments, while exploring some methods and strategies for maximizing those important opportunities.
You will learn how to “re-set” your attitude/feelings/mind-set before attending any networking functions to get yourself in the zone zone for getting known. You will unpack three vital details you should draw out of each new contact you meet in an effort to build a new, and mutually beneficial, relationship. And you will hear about some proven methods for getting new contacts to ask for your business card.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 48 Minutes
Price: $45.00

The Starbucks Effect (DVD-014) [NEW]
In this DVD, Peter Merry will explore 5 aspects of the Starbucks® approach towards customer service that have contributed greatly to their explosive growth and overnight demand for a product/service that had not previously existed. Peter will explore these 5 aspects in light of our roles as wedding professionals while giving effective examples of how we can begin implementing them into our own unique services. When utilized properly, these 5 aspects will bring increased demand from the kind of brides we would prefer to work with the most.
You’ll learn why Starbucks chooses to “Think Venti!” instead of the just thinking big. You will learn how to turn unexpected challenges into opportunities to shine. And you’ll be reminded why we should always feel lucky to work in the wedding marketplace.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 52 Minutes
Price: $55.00

May I Have Your ATTENTION...Please? (DVD-015) [NEW]
The moment of truth has arrived! You are about to open the microphone and engage with the wedding guests, but they are all busy talking and enjoying themselves. So, how will you gather their undivided attention?
In this DVD, Peter Merry will talk about the importance of “owning the room” before attempting to entertain any audience. He will explore a variety of methods for commanding focus with becoming either obnoxious or a show-stealer. He will cover 12 common pitfalls to avoid and 14 tips for winning over the guests so you can serve your clients effectively. And finally, he will why no MC should EVER have to ask for permission to do their job correctly.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 63 Minutes
Price: $69.00

Train Wreck Weddings (DVD-016) [NEW]
Valuable lessons can be gleaned from disasters. In this DVD, Peter Merry will explore some notable examples of wedding catastrophes by examining what went wrong (via harrowing video clips and real-life stories) and what wedding professionals can do to prevent such calamities from occurring on their watch.
He will uncover the 4 common causes for failures and mishaps and then explore some simple strategies for overcoming these unexpected obstacles so you can save the day and keep their wedding celebration going. You will also witness the most offensive Best Man’s Toast ever recorded and Peter will offer some helpful suggestions for bringing his behavior to a halt.
This DVD also includes a Bonus CD-Rom with a printable PDF fill-in-the-blanks handout. This has been included to improve your retention of the content. You will also find an MP3 version of the content that you can load onto your smart phone, iPad and/or computer.
Run Time: 43 Minutes
Price: $35.00
Buy It Now on AmazonBuy It Now on KindleBuy It Now on iTunesBuy It Now on Nook
This book makes a fantastic “thank you” gift for your wedding clients. You can order them in bulk directly from the publisher for $9.50/book (12 copies per case) + shipping and handling costs. (Ask for the NEW paperback editions!)
To place your order, contact:
Dennis Joyce
Sellers Publishing
(800) 625-3386 Ext. 124
(207) 772-6833 Ext. 124
The Best Wedding Reception…Ever! (BOOK)
Want to have fun at your wedding? Let’s get this party started…
For years bridal magazines, wedding planing books, and wedding-focused television programs have every every facet of wedding celebrations except for one…the FUN. In this groundbreaking book, nationally known wedding entertainer Peter Merry shines a light on the subject of creating fun and entertaining wedding receptions that help make yours the best wedding reception ever!
Includes all the information you need to:
find the perfect reception location
explore different entertainment vendors and find the right one for your style
involve your guests and highlight your loved ones throughout your reception
liven up the cocktail hour and dinner hour
personalize the wedding party’s grand entrance
include memorable special dances
combine tradition and modern elements into a cohesive reception
plan an unforgettable last dance and sendoff
enjoy this incredible event and much, much more.
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